10 Strategies to Win on Medium — stolen from the Top Writers

Sakthitharan S
3 min readJan 13, 2024

It is better to get wisdom from experienced people than learn by ourselves (after wasting much energy and time).

I’ve been writing online since 2007, completely as a side gig and for fun. Recently I took writing as a serious deal.

I listed the top 10 things I wish I would have known a decade ago. It's too late for me. But for you, new writers — it's the time to do the optimal things from the beginning to see the success sooner.

Photo by Markus Winkler on Unsplash

1. Write and Publish Frequently

A consistent average writer will beat the world’s best writer who writes less frequently.

The more your name appears to the readers/followers, the more you get registered in their minds. It is a kind of unintentional marketing.

Depending on the quality of the content (the research it takes, the work it needs) tune your frequency from 1 to 10 per week.

2. Write a scannable story every time

Keep the article uncluttered.

Use as many subheadings as possible.

Help the reader to skip to the interesting part.

The less frustrated reader = follower and fan.

