Member-only story
A story with 148 claps earned 12 times more than a story with 4.2k claps
Know the secret of earning more with low-performing stories in MPP
Hello Medium Writers 👋.
If you’re not a writer with Medium Partner Program access, this could be an off-topic for you.
I often meta-write (writing about writing) on Medium. Hoping sharing my experience will be helpful for others.
If you’re following me, then you would know that I am not trying to make money by sharing these (or selling anything to you) kinds of experiences.
Jumping to today’s topic.
Below I’ve attached stats of 2 different stories I’ve recently published.
For easy understanding, I would like to call them Case A and Case B.
Case A
A well-performing story.
Written casually.
Whopping 2.1K reads and 4.2K claps.
(BTW, all my stories will at least have a minimum of 62% read ratio and to a max of 90%)
Sadly $1.30 earnings (for 2.1K reads)
Case B
Only 148 claps.