You’re the easy target — If you want to make money online.

The easy-peasy cheating.

Sakthitharan S
3 min readFeb 19, 2024

James (a well-known author on the internet) wrote a book on “How to earn $100,000 in a month”.

He worked a lot on advertising and promoting it. Everywhere. To everyone.

He pitched it like it was a secret that God gave him.

He sounded so confident. He acted like a millionaire.

He even showed the proof of $100,000 in his bank account to everyone skeptical.

His story is so much motivating. It gave hope to everyone who was looking for a way to earn some money — easily and quickly.

The book looks so promising. The cover, the title everything.

John bought that book for $100.

Photo by Alexander Mils on Unsplash

Here’s the summary of it.

Write something you know. Compile it as a book. Pick a title like “How to earn X amount in Y time”. Put it out on the market. Promote it as much as you can. Finally, get your $100,000.

If 1000 John does that, 1 John will turn into James.

There are 1000s of James’s (now read the first line of this story). And millions of John’s (99% failed) in this world — in every field.

