I published frequently, but I found it was not the best way to maximize earnings on Medium.

Hint: The answer is NOT publishing frequently

Sakthitharan S
4 min readFeb 22, 2024

I have been actively writing on Medium for the past year. (I started writing online in 2007).

I joined the Medium partner program last month. So I have learned my lesson by trying all the possible approaches to publishing on Medium.

The first thing I noticed was a change in my views chart.

My views (actually my “reads”) reduced drastically. Because more than half of the readers are not paid members of Medium.

Photo by Jens Lelie on Unsplash

The two approaches.

  1. Quality (good quality long-form articles)
  2. Quantity (too many short-form articles)

If you want to frequently post, you need to choose short-form articles.

Short-form = quick opinion, less researched work, shallow insights.

Result of frequent short-form

