Simple, Smooth Mindsets for Rapid Growth

Simple; yet powerful mindsets for you.

Sakthitharan S
3 min readApr 21, 2024

Growth is change. Progressive change.

In Japanese, “Kaizen” translates to “improvement”, or “change for the better”.

Kaizen as a philosophy is all about improvement. No matter where you are now, how you perform, or where to reach.

Photo by Natasha Connell on Unsplash

Forget the perfection; Aim for progress.

You don’t have to build Rome in a day. Actually, you can’t.

Perfection is the outcome of continuous improvement. If you perfected something at the first attempt, then you are lucky or else your work is evaluated by fools.

Perfection is a perception.

You can’t perfect something. You can give your maximum. You can aim to produce something wonderful. But believe me, there will be always (plenty of) gaps to improve.

The “ideal” moves a step away from you when you reach it.

You can’t perfect things. You can only improve it. Day by Day. One by One.

Once or Many

If it is a process, workflow, or method, then improve one aspect of it that can positively impact the outcome of it in a positive manner by 1%.

