The more you consume, the less you create.

The more I write, the more original thinking I have.

Sakthitharan S
2 min readMay 3, 2024

My writing has been slowed down for the past few weeks.

I can find myself spending all my time in watching YouTube (after my work hours).

I wrote very little because I was wasting time on YouTube. ???

Or watching YouTube made me write very less than usual. ???

You can replace the word “YouTube” with any content consumption (like TikTok, News, FB, Insta, blah, blah).

Photo by Swello on Unsplash

It is not Writer’s block.

That's a very superficial term with a superficial meaning. When you go deep down, it is a thinking block.

You’re not able to think. Your thoughts are random. You are unable to think in a properly connected stream. Your thoughts are meaningless. Your thoughts are not worth sharing. You couldn’t get into your writing flow.

You see. Writing is not a problem. Lack of original thinking is.


I believe inspiration is just a trigger.

You can steal. You can present better (than the original content). But remember, you’re the second-level creator.

