Why can’t you be productive all the time? How to be optimally productive.

Aware of your productivity cycle of Ups and Downs. Ride the tide.

Sakthitharan S
3 min readMar 14, 2024

You don’t have to be productive all the time. Aware of your productivity cycle of Ups and Downs.

Keeping your productivity metrics always up is also another form of being monotonous in disguise. It is an easy way to get stressed. Eventually, you’re going to wear full out of your willpower. Losing interest in an area is one thing, losing the “mood” to work (to create) is whole another thing.

In my personal experience, productivity is like a short streak, like a wave. It comes and goes. I assume it is the same for every other unless you’re God or lying to yourself.

Photo by vackground.com on Unsplash

Pushing hard and working hard is a nice strategy that pays only for non-creative jobs. I think pushing harder always leads to the opposite result as most of the energy is spent on moving against nature (slowing down) rather than on creative work.

For me creating something is the actual work. Other things are just preparing, presenting, and packing what you created. Those tasks are secondary work.

If you know the Pareto Principle, 20% of your original creative work will definitely contribute to 80% of your outcome. Read this

