Writer’s Overthinking — How To Get Unstuck?

Struggling to write an article and publish it online?

Sakthitharan S
3 min readJan 23, 2024

We all have plenty of ideas to write on. But we don’t believe all those were worthy of writing/sharing.

We reject most ideas assuming that it is silly or already told many times or it looks very obvious to all of your readers.

Next overthinking happens while you write.

Analysis Paralysis

is the inability to decide due to overthinking a problem.

This often happens when you’re dealing with too many variables and continually researching solutions, instead of taking action and making a decision.

The expectation of the outcome and the greedy appetite to get the most (max) rewards out of a single work make the deciding process hard.

You’re not writing a book. You’re writing in episodes. It is a process.

Online writing is a slow game — except the growth is exponential — if done right.

Don’t conclude the things even before trying.

Analyze the reaction, not the action

